Residential Pest Control and Extermination for Homes in Las Vegas
Serving Las Vegas | Henderson | North Las Vegas
Throughout the entire Las Vegas Valley, every day more families have discovered that having a Pest Control Inc – Health Conscious Home Service is the best way to protect their homes, families, and pets from undesirable, invasive Las Vegas pests.
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Residential Pest Control vs. Pest Prevention
At Pest Control Inc we believe that preventing pests from entering your home is more important than controlling them once you have a problem. Pest infestations and the risks they pose to your home or business are easily avoided with a combination of DIY pest prevention steps and regular professional treatment. That is why PCI’s Healthy Conscious Service Program focuses on pest prevention, not just pest control.
Much like building a fence, pest prevention techniques accomplish three goals: exclude pests from entering your home, removing things that may attract them into your home, and creating a hostile environment for pests that may be inadvertently introduced to your home.
Most traditional residential pest control companies simply apply pesticides in and around your home in a routine manner, but PCI’s programs are specifically designed for you and offer a more individualized approach.
This type of treatment method is more responsible for you and your family from a health and environmental standpoint, which means no unnecessary sprays in your home!
With Pest Control Inc you receive an effective and convenient home pest prevention system with guaranteed results!
Areas Treated in your Home with Initial Extermination Service
With every property, there are so many vulnerable cracks, crevices, and incredibly small spaces through which pests can invade your home. Rats, mice, and other rodents can easily squeeze through cracks and holes the size of a quarter or dime!
- Exclusion is always our first step. PCI will stop any pest before they get in because we know where they are likely to get in and which paths they are likely to follow.
- Interior service. Crack and crevice, kitchens, bathrooms, exterior doors and thresholds, plumbing penetrations, around windows, and the garage are treated.
- Exterior service. Pinpoint placement treatment of areas conducive to pest infestation, removal of spider webs, and a perimeter baiting treatment to prevent future infestations.
- Regularly scheduled follow-up service. Perimeter baiting and monitoring to prevent future infestations, removal of spider webs, removal of any insect nests on the soffits, application of granular and gel baits as needed.
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Environmentally Friendly Residential Pest Control
The advanced PCI Health Conscious Services Program is designed to help you keep your family and the environment protected. By using environmentally responsible pest control materials and methods, PCI helps maintain all the comfortable living spaces both inside and outside your home.
Pests have no defense against Pest Control Inc’s trained technicians. Every PCI employee treats your home as if it was their own. With their extensive experience, they take all the necessary precautions to strategically place the pest control materials in and around the living areas. By creating and then maintaining a protective barrier, they shield your family from the invasive and potentially harmful pests that may try to invade your home all year round.
Pet-Friendly Pest Control
Pest Control Inc’s pet-friendly pest control program is an important part of our Health Conscious Service Program. The Health Conscious Service Program is designed to provide the highest level of pest protection while maintaining an environment that is safe for family, dog, cat and other pets. PCI’s custom prescription treatments are designed to control any existing pest issues and help prevent future ones. Pest prevention, not just pest control, is the best solution for your Health Conscious Home!
With PCI, any pest problem that occurs for our customers is our problem…not theirs. And we know that means service when you need it and on time. A Health Conscious residential pest control approach provides peace-of-mind with effective results.
Green Residential Pest Control
Pest Control Inc specializes in environmentally responsible pest solutions. Our programs utilize the Integrated Pest Management approach. This strategy focuses on inspection of conducive areas, exclusion, outside baiting and monitoring. If there is an interior problem situation, then it is locally treated with a low impact formulation such as a bait or gel, rather than taking the old – more is better approach of unnecessary exposure.
PCI’s pest prevention program is an environmentally conscious alternative to traditional pest control. Our focus is on the exterior of the property, where pest problems originate. Should a pest problem occur inside, we will inspect and strategically treat those areas using the most conservative methods possible.
PCI’s program consists of pinpoint placement treatments utilizing low dose baits and gels, not the smelly sprays of the past. Should a spray product be necessary, low odor and minimal dose products are applied.
No, traditional pest control companies simply apply products in and around your home in a routine manner. PCI Health Conscious Service Programs are designed by the leading experts in the industry and offer more a specific, customized approach.
PCI’s Health Conscious Service Programs focus on protecting both you and your environment. Our methods are family and pet-friendly and help to eliminate the health risks posed by pests.

100% Guaranteed Pest Control
- Always On Time
- Comprehensive Support
- Guaranteed Results
Residential Pest Control in Las Vegas and Henderson NV
Extermination Services in Las Vegas NV, North Las Vegas and Henderson NV