Crane Fly Exterminator, Control & Removal
Serving Las Vegas | Henderson | North Las Vegas
Crane flies, also commonly called, “mosquito hawks” are common in Las Vegas. You may see these long and thin insects on your porch or near your windows. And while it’s a common belief that crane flies feed on mosquitoes, that couldn’t be far from the truth. Crane flies actually feed on plants and lawns only while in their larvae stage. Help prevent crane flies from damaging your beautiful lawn and give Pest Control Inc a call. We provide professional crane fly extermination, control & removal services in the Las Vegas NV area.
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Crane Fly Control
Crane flies are the most active in the evening. These pests are attracted to moisture, so you may often see them near landscaping, gardens, and lawns. Crane flies are generally harmless as they don’t bite or spread diseases. But, it’s their larvae, known as leatherjackets that will do the most harm. This is because they feed on plant nectar and grass. In fact, they’ll destroy lawns, leaving behind thinning grass and brown patches.
Effective crane fly control starts with prevention. You’ll want to have your property treated in spring to target overwintering larvae and then in summer and fall to target adults and newly-hatching leatherjackets.
Crane Fly Prevention
Although crane flies are harmless to you, they aren’t harmless to your lawn. They will kill your grass, nest underground, and continue to reproduce. Many over-the-counter insecticides are also not potent enough to kill these pests. Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to help prevent crane flies from taking over your lawn.
- Mow your lawn regularly
- Don’t overwater your lawn
- Ensure you have properly working yard drains
- Eliminate overgrown vegetation and debris
- Aerate your soil
What to Look for in a Crane Flies Exterminator
Below is a list of factors customers should pay attention to when looking for crane fly exterminator, control & removal services.
- Years of service. Pest Control Inc is a family-owned and operated pest control company and has been in business in Las Vegas for over 20 years.
- Reputation. We hire the best technicians to serve you, and continuously upgrade their skills with thorough product knowledge and application training by certified experts.
- Guarantees. With Pest Control Inc, your property will be protected from pests 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If for any reason you are dissatisfied with our service, we will return to make it right or we will refund your last service payment.
These are just a few things to look for when hiring a crane fly exterminator to take care of your crane fly problem. Many customers want to get a feel for a company before they hire them and that’s where our free consultation comes in handy. Above all, it’s important your false chinch problem is resolved after your first visit.

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Crane Fly Extermination, Control & Removal in Las Vegas and Henderson NV
Extermination Services in Las Vegas NV, North Las Vegas and Henderson NV